Volunteer & Support Sexy Sex Ed
Want to boost Sexy Sex ed?
Sexy Sex Ed is mostly funded & fueled by people like you! We have very little grant support but lots of passionate donors & volunteer energy. We strive to pay all our educators for direct learning time, in workshops or livestreams, but they help keep Sexy Sex Ed going with volunteer time, from active decision making processes to sharing content and raising money. Here are some ways you can support Sexy Sex Ed, too:
DONATE MONEY. We need funds to keep on keeping on. Radical sex education rarely pays for itself and doesn’t qualify for many grants.
DONATE SUPPLIES. From condoms, Plan B, & pregnancy tests to mailers and gas cards, we need your support in getting resources in people’s hands.
FUNDRAISE. Do you have a special skill or talent you can turn into hard cash? From making art to sell in support of Sexy Sex Ed to direct asks for birthday & holidays, social media pushes, & matching challenges, you can get creative where you live in sending support our way.
FOLLOW & SHARE. In this time of community health risks, social media is the main place people connect. Follow our social media accounts and share our content with others. Share your experience with Sexy Sex Ed and why you support us!
PITCH TO PRESS. Earned media often equals new participants, allies, and donors. Are you a journalist or know one? Do you have a favorite outlet that could cover Sexy Sex Ed? Feel free to pitch our story and connect us with press!
HOST AN EVENT. When we are safe to be together again, hosting a workshop in your community is a great way to meet lots of goals, from your own personal community needs to supporting Sexy Sex Educators.
REACH OUT. If you have other ideas or ways you want to support Sexy Sex Ed, email or DM us with any of the icons below. We’re always learning & growing!